2023-07-11 08:21:40来源:哔哩哔哩
Ah, like every day I see Another day repeats, I'm yawning all the time After all the cheers, the night, it fades out and Shibuya receives a pour of the morning light And somehow, an emptiness surrounds That's what I always feel Something is not enough That's how it's gonna be It's all a part of life I'll let this be See what, see what, covered deep inside Let us hear the voice in you, and resonate in you, hold on Pretending won't bring it out of sight It is always waiting there for you Calling followed, what I feel's to be drawn Going by my selection in this color, then Suddenly, with the breeze of a drowsy morning There was a world of blue shown in front of me Liking what you believe in and saying that you do Can be too terrifying, but I know I've finally come across a true discovery of what I got Ah, the more that I reach out my hands to what I need The further it becomes Another one of these unruly days go on I'm always in a hurry as I'm struggling Misery, stemming from all my thoughts Humiliation brings new tears into my view The more that I step in, the harder it becomes Even the pain renews Calling followed, what I feel is the move Going by my selection in this path I walk On a night fighting off eyelids dropping heavy I'm grabbing tight, the blue vow in front of me Taking what you believe and to keep doing so Every step's not only fun all the time Don't know if I'm able, cause I am worried a little Ah, “one line” was drawn Every “one line” was drawn Missing inner confidence, I've drawn all pages I could draw Ah, “one time” becomes Every “one time” becomes Soon, a large accumulation of a strength inside of you All around, I look at them Comparing what I do with them What is it only I can do that nobody else can? Even if I've got no true confidence, I'm moving on Covered in thoughts and emotion within Unknown to me, a brand new feeling And, on the day I took the step for the first time Including even this, new pain that I felt too Liking what I believe in and facing it led To a touch of the preview of a light Gonna be alright, let us go All I can do now is to have the fun Everything is on the line as I draw Using my own unique usage of colors and Every dawn, every night, I would keep on running And now I found the blue glowing light on me Liking what you believe in and facing it too Can be still terrifying but now I know No longer am I these versions of me living in transparency Now I know how to be my precious incomparable new self See what, see what, covered deep inside Let us hear the voice in you, and resonate in you, hold on Pretending won't bring it out of sight It is always waiting there, still always waiting there for you and See what, see what, covered deep inside Let us hear the voice in you, and resonate in you, hold on Pretending won't bring it out of sight It is always waiting there, waiting inside of you
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